Thursday, 25 July 2013

Its all about luck...

Yesterday afternoon I heard that the guides had seen four of the Olifants west lionesses and all eight cubs, that's right...all 8 cubs still alive and doing well, in fact their mothers had caught a zebra for them and they were all full bellied and looking good. Visions of another incredible cub sighting filled my head and i had to go out and have a look. I hurriedly grabbed my camera and set out. i found the lionesses and some of the cubs in the inlet of a dam lying up in the shade, the cubs were very curious and I happily snapped a few photos of one cub watching me through the grass. It was fantastic perfect golden sunlight, dappled shade and posing cubs, a photographers dream, and I knew it was just going to get better as they were surely going to go for a drink. But then my happiness met an abrupt end when, as I pressed down on my shutter button to take a photo and nothing happened...FLAT BATTERY! I could not believe it and my heart sank. In my haste to go see the lions i didn't check on my battery level and had paid the price. I sat in the sighting for a while and still enjoyed the time with the lions which is often really nice to do for a change, but I kept on thinking about the bad luck that had just fallen upon me. I didn't wait to see them drink as I think that would have really been soul destroying and headed back to the lodge. 

The curious cub
 On my drive back I thought about how luck really plays such a role out here. Often guests will ask how often do we see leopards and lions or lions making a kill and honestly its all about luck, being at the right place at the right time. You can go from having the worst luck in the world to the best in a second, and I have had times out here where I had the most unbelievable sightings and was fortunate to capture these moments on my camera. So due to the lack of pictures I took in my latest lion sighting, I thought I'd share some photos from when luck was on my side.

A huge male lion shows off his awesome power as he drags a zebra carcass on his own.

Its not always about the big 5 as these 2 giraffe demonstrated
by presenting themselves against a beautiful sunset

All 8 cubs in one photo one morning as they were warming up in the morning sun.

Wild dogs chasing each other across a big open area and then to top it off through the water.

Catching the steely glare of Chavaluthu male leopard

A lioness up in a Marula tree on the look out for prey, it was impressive to see her up there but
her decent wasn't quite as glorious

A new female leopard that i managed to photograph, i haven't
seen her again hopefully she will show herself again.
So, I learnt my lesson today and will always make sure my camera is fully charged and probably do the same for all the guests from now on, and hopefully manage to keep the bad luck down to a minimum and the good at a high.

Until next time....

Written and photographed by Greg McCall-Peat

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